
The SICA distributes in regular intervals info material to all the households in the member communes.
Below you will find a short overview of the publications. If you did not get a publication or need a second one, you can collect them at the recycling centre in Kehlen.

According to the law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation. (PDF only in german)

On a regular time interval, the SICA distributes some info material to all the households in the member communes. The SICA Info journal contains all the relevant information about waste management. (SICA-INFO 2023: only fr/de)

According to the law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation. (PDF only in german)

On a regular time interval, the SICA distributes some info material to all the households in the member communes. The SICA Info journal contains all the relevant information about waste management. (SICA-INFO 2022: only fr/de)

According to the law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation. (PDF only in german)

According to the law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation. (PDF only in german)

Press article from Luxemburger Wort (12.01.2021)
(only available in german)
Link to online article:

On a regular time interval, the SICA distributes some info material to all the households in the member communes. The SICA Info journal contains all the relevant information about waste management. (SICA-INFO 2020: only fr/de)

According to the law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation. (PDF only in german)

The leaflet ABC of Waste and Resource disposal offers a brief description of the different recycling possibilities that the SICA offers the residents of the member communes. Every resident receives direct examples of the various recycling streams.

On a regular time interval, the SICA distributes some info material to all the households in the member communes. The SICA Info booklet is available at your municipal office. It contains all the relevant information about waste management.

The organic waste that we collect is processed at the composting plant in Mamer. Collecting and using organic waste separately is not only more environmentally-friendly than incinerating it with the non-recyclable waste but it is also worthwhile for all those who generate the waste. For more information, please have a look at the present leaflet.

The mixed used paper and cardboard that we collect is sorted and used by the paper industry as the raw material for making new paper products. For more information, please have a look at the present leaflet.

The used glass that we collect is taken to glassworks. There, any unwanted admixtures are removed. After sorting and cleaning, the cullet is melted down and used to make new glass products. For more information, please have a look at the present leaflet.

After collection, the packaging waste will be sorted into the different materials at a sorting centre in Luxembourg and then sent for recycling. This is how, for example, used PET bottles can be reused to make new PET bottles (“bottle to bottle”), which are refilled and sold in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and elsewhere. For more information, please have a look at the present leaflet.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.

According to law, the communes are obligated to generate an annual report for the last year. With the present report, the SICA meets this legal obligation.